
Fallout 4 good neighbor location
Fallout 4 good neighbor location

  • Goodneighbor residents are vehemently opposed to the Institute and show contempt towards the denizens of Diamond City, especially Mayor McDonough.
  • People in Diamond City say "they come from the pressed suit and Tommy gun school of thuggery" and "in Goodneighbor two things count, style and body count."
  • The Triggermen of Goodneighbor dress and act like pre-War mobsters.
  • The Third Rail is the town bar, built out of an old subway station and is tended by Whitechapel Charlie. There are two shops near the entrance: Kill or Be Killed run by KL-E-0, who sells weapons, and Daisy's Discounts, owned by Daisy, who sells general items.

    fallout 4 good neighbor location

    However, Goodneighbor is also a hub of crime, which was one of the reasons why a security team called the Neighborhood Watch was established to keep order under Hancock's rule and defend the town from raiders and rival organizations such as the Triggermen and the Institute, among others.Įven with vigilantism encouraged and the presence of the Neighborhood Watch, various criminal activity is commonplace in Goodneighbor, such as murder, extortion, and chem peddling. He assumed the role of mayor and took charge of Goodneighbor, running the community under his philosophy "Of the people, for the people." The town has become the home of many drifters from the wastes. The town was once ruled over by a criminal named Vic who was later overthrown by John Hancock. It can be reached from the Mass Fusion building by traveling to the southeast.

    fallout 4 good neighbor location

    Goodneighbor was founded in 2240 by criminals who were exiled from Diamond City.

    Fallout 4 good neighbor location