Then follow the steps three and four above.

You can also right-click anywhere in the taskbar and select Taskbar Options. If it is on, turn it off and then on again. Step 4: On the next screen, make sure the clock is on. Step 3: Scroll down and click “Enable or disable system icons”. Step 1: Go to Windows Settings and click “Customize”. A recent Windows update may also be the cause of the problem. If the clock is completely absent from the taskbar, it is possible that you or someone accidentally turned it off in the settings.

Users wanted to know why the clock is missing, or what you need to do to get it, because this feature is definitely useful, since you can check the time and date at any time while the taskbar is visible. The clock is usually displayed in the lower right corner of the screen and in the far right corner of the taskbar with the current date below. The disappearance of the clock from the taskbar is an error that usually affects users who have recently upgraded their computer to the latest version. Update: Stop getting error messages and slow down your system with our optimization tool. Change the theme / background for Windows 10 computers.Disable the small icons in the system tray.