Only 4 zombies should really scale to this as the Templar Zombies fought the Apothicons as humans. Zombies being able to overpower Primis and Ultimis crew members is largely Game Mechanics as they can fight far stronger zombies, tank hits from them, and they can even one shot zombies as shown in Origins. Also Multiplayer, Warzone, and Zombies in Cold War are canon and are useable for scaling but it only makes 9-B more consistentįor starters, zombies themselves should not scale to any of the 7-B to 6-C feats as they are done by amped zombies. It should be noted that any instance of characters being able to survive shots from the Panzershreck and Grenades in the campaign is pure Game Mechanics as the cutscenes show that bullets are still considered a threat by the main characters. Same goes for the rest of the characters like Reznov surviving a explosion and Alex Mason surviving a fall from a cliff. Miller has durability feats around 9-B and he should scale to it. Spaceship gets destroyed by a rocket Launcher (High 8-C).
Richtofen destroying the moon (High 6-A).
Warzone, Multiplayer, Campaign, and Zombies are canon in Cold War. The Aether Storyline and Chaos Storyline are separate canons. It's also via the loop Brutus trapped them into. In Mob of the Dead, all of the characters aren't just given immortality via the main paradox. To further explain the type 8 immortality for the Aether Storyline, it is via the paradox/the endless cycle which causes rebirth. Finally, you have the god tiers of the verse, who are High Multiverse level+ with haxs like Sealing, Conceptual Manipulation, Existence Erasure, etc The Zombies mode however, has some characters who can preform City Level to Island level feats to even Multi-Continent Level feats with haxs like Death Manipulation, Time Stop, Time Manipulation, etc. Some of the lower tiers are only around Athlete Level to Wall Level with haxs like Stealth Mastery, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Explosion Manipulation, etc. However, the game has it's own extra modes with their own minor stories and spin offs in the form of Mobile Games and Comics. The majority of the games focus on a event from the past, present, or a made up future event. Published by Activision in 2003, the franchise has still been going on and has made an impact on the FPS genere. 7.1.1 World at War, Black Ops, and Cold WarĬall of Duty is one of the most popular first-person shooter video games of all time.